Live your life to the fullest.
Dance as if no one were watching,
Sing as if no one were listening,
And live every day as if it were your last.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Sister Teresita Catalano, OSU Celebrates 60th Jubilee

On my post of July 14th I spoke about the influence of Sister Teresita on my life.  Sister celebrated her 60th Jubilee of entering the order of the Ursuline Sisters of Tildonk on September 8th of this year.  I sent her a dozen roses and had another wonderful conversation with her that night on the telephone.  Unfortunately, the official celebration at the Mother House in Blue Point, New York will be in October while I'm away on my trip to Croatia, Bosnia and Serbia.  There was also a celebration of all the jubilarians on September 14th at St. Agnes Cathedral in her diocese.  Below is a tribute which was published in the Sunday Bulletin of Saint William the Abbott Church where Sister Teresita currently resides.

From the Pastor’s Desk:  Saint William the Abbott Church (Seaford, Long Island)

Our other honoree is Sr. Teresita Catalano, OSU, who will be celebrating her sixtieth year in religious life at a special Mass at St. Agnes Cathedral this Tuesday, with other jubilarians from the diocese.  Sr. Teresita has a great fondness for the Feast of the Nativity of Mary because it was the name of her home parish; she began her religious life on the Feast of the Nativity (Sept. 8, 1950); and her first teaching assignment was at Nativity School in Ozone Park. In later assignments, Sister taught at Our Lady of Victory in West Haven, CT, at St. William the Abbot School (1966-68), at Our Lady of Grace School in Howard Beach, and again at Nativity, where she served as principal. Before coming again to St. William’s in 1979 to teach music, she also served at other Ursuline institutions, such as their retreat house in Oyster Bay and a home for the mentally handicapped. Throughout these years, Sr. Teresita also taught in the Religious Education programs of her parishes. After retiring in 2002, she continues to give piano lessons at the convent here in the parish. Sr. Teresita has made many friends and admirers after her many years at St. William’s, and on behalf of the parish she has served so well, I congratulate her and ask God to continue to bless her.

Sister Teresita (standing)
60th Jubilee Celebration October 16, 2010

Sister Teresita (seated far left)
60th Jubilee Celebration at St. Agnes Cathedral

May 19, 2012 The Nativity BVM Alumni Association held a luncheon honoring Sr. Marguerite Torre's 60th Anniversary as an Ursuline Sister.  Sister Teresita Catalano, OSU is on the far left. 

Monday, September 20, 2010

And So It Goes

There are songs that you know you are going to love only after hearing the first chord.  For me, that was the case with Billy Joel's  "And So it Goes".  I'm so thankful that the beautiful melody is matched with such a plaintive lyric.

In every heart there is a room 
A sanctuary safe and strong 
To heal the wounds from lovers past 
Until a new one comes along 

I spoke to you in cautious tones 
You answered me with no pretense 
And still I feel I said too much 
My silence is my self defense 

And every time I've held a rose 
It seems I only felt the thorns 
And so it goes, and so it goes 
And so will you soon I suppose 

But if my silence made you leave 
Then that would be my worst mistake 
So I will share this room with you 
And you can have this heart to break 

And this is why my eyes are closed 
It's just as well for all I've seen 
And so it goes, and so it goes 
And you're the only one who knows 

So I would choose to be with you 
That's if the choice were mine to make 
But you can make decisions too 
And you can have this heart to break 

And so it goes, and so it goes 
And you're the only one who knows. 

Monday, September 13, 2010


Smile though your heart is aching 
Smile even though it's breaking. 
When there are clouds in the sky 
you'll get by. 
If you smile through your fear and sorrow 
Smile and maybe tomorrow 
You'll see the sun shining through 
For you. 
Light up your face with gladness, 
Hide every trace of sadness. 
Although a tear may be ever so near 
That's the time you must keep on trying 
Smile, what's the use of crying. 
You'll find that life is still worthwhile- 
If you just smile.

Monday, September 6, 2010


When I was in high school, someone wrote to Ann Landers and ask her if she had a good definition for "success".  She responded by printing the quote below.  I cut it out . . . laminated it and carried it in my wallet for years.  I never forgot it, especially the line "To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived . . .  this is to have succeeded."  For years Ralph Waldo Emerson had been given credit for this "definition" but it seems that that is not the case.  You can find further information about the whole history behind this verse in search of success.  No matter who wrote it, it certainly is achievable.

To laugh often and much;

To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;

To earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;

To appreciate beauty, to find the best in others;

To leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition;

To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.

This is to have succeeded.

--- inaccurately attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson